“The first and final thing you have to do in this world is to last in it, and not be smashed by it.” -Ernest Hemingway
Happy Friday ya’ll.
DIGIDAY has an interesting piece on adding rich media to mobile ads. The example is an ad with an interactive character that appears in the corner of your screen. This all sounds like the horrifying return of Microsoft’s Clippy.
Check out the 11 Zombie Survival Rules for Internet Marketing. Rule #4: It takes braaaaaaaains!
An interesting twist on brand sponsorship occurred when Abercrombie made a sizeable payment offer to The Jersey Shore’s The Situation to stop wearing its clothing. This Reverse Sponsorship idea could be a whole new revenue stream: MTV, get those Teen Moms some Louis Vuitton quick quick!
A fascinating infographic on the demographic differences between Android and iPhone users. iPhone users are 39% more likely to say they are high maintenance, while 48% of Android users are more likely to smack that iPhone out yo hand.
Finally, sibling love and a new use for the iPad: